News is the first draft

of history”.

Benjamin Bradlee



Процедура за избор на изпълнител "Избор с публична покана" - Jul 2016


„На 07.07.2016 г. е открита процедура “Избор с публична покана” по реда на ЗУСЕСИФ, по договор за безвъзмездна финансова помощ BG16RFOP002-2.001-1314-C01 по проект „Подобряване на производствения капацитет на "Р Консултинг" ЕООД“, който се финансира по Оперативна програма „Иновации и конкурентоспособност” 2014-2020“.

Решение № 4 / 07.07.2016 г. за откриване на процедура за доставка
Публична покана
Изисквания оферти
Методика за оценка
Декларация на кандидата по чл.53, ал.2 от ЗУСЕСИФ
Техническа спецификация
Гаранция за добро изпълнение
Проект на Договор за доставка

Решение за прекратяване на процедура - Jul 2016

Процедура за избор на изпълнител "Избор с публична покана" - Jun 2016


На 23.06.2016 г. е открита процедура “Избор с публична покана” по реда на ЗУСЕСИФ, по договор за безвъзмездна финансова помощ BG16RFOP002-2.001-1314-C01 по проект „Подобряване на производствения капацитет на "Р Консултинг" ЕООД“, който се финансира по Оперативна програма „Иновации и конкурентоспособност” 2014-2020“.

Решение № 2 / 23.06.2016 г. за откриване на процедура за доставка
Публична покана
Изисквания оферти
Методика за оценка
Декларация на кандидата по чл.53, ал.2 от ЗУСЕСИФ
Техническа спецификация
Гаранция за добро изпълнение
Проект на Договор за доставка

Информация за сключен договор - Mar 2016


От дата 29.03.2016 г. „Р Консултинг” ЕООД стартира изпълнението на договор за безвъзмездна финансова помощ BG16RFOP002-2.001-1314-C01. Проектът „Подобряване на производствения капацитет на „Р Консултинг” ЕООД“ се финансира по Оперативна програма „Иновации и конкурентоспособност“ 2014-2020 (ОПИК) и неговата продължителност е 12 месеца. Стойността на проекта е в размер на 405 000 лева, като размерът на безвъзмездната финансова помощ е 70% - 283 500 лeвa. Съответно, размерът на европейското съфинансиране на проекта възлиза на 240 975 лeвa, а на националното съфинансиране - 42 525 лeвa. Проектът на „Р Консултинг” ЕООД е насочен към постигане на следните две основни цели – Повишаване на производствения капацитет и Засилване на експортния потенциал на кандидата. С договорената БФП кандидатът планира да извърши инвестиции в ДМА и ДНА, свързани с разширяване на капацитета на съществуващия стопански обект на „Р Консултинг” ЕООД в град Монтана. Очакваните резултати вследствие изпълнението на проекта включват: подобряване на конкурентоспособността и пазарното присъствие на предприятието; разширяване на производствения капацитет с около 500% за съществуващите Cloud услуги на предприятието; увеличаване на пазарния дял в национален мащаб от 5% до 7% в следващите 3-4 години; намаляване на производствените разходи за единица продукция/услуга с 13%; ръст в приходите от продажби на дружеството с около 90% в средносрочен план; намаляване на изразходваната електроенергия на единица услуга с 30%; намаляване на отделяните вредни газове в околната среда с до 90%; вътрешна норма на възвращаемост на проекта 15,16%; нарастване на производителността на труда с 68,55%; увеличаване на средните генерирани приходи от износ с 25,19% и увеличаване на ефективността на производствените разходи с 17,95%, в период от 3 години след изпълнението на проекта.

Информация за сключен договор - Jun 2014

Процедура за избор на изпълнител "Избор с публична покана" - Jun 2014

Покана за подаване на оферти във връзка с провеждане на процедура за избор на изпълнител "Избор с публична покана" по договор BG161PO003.1.1.07-0446-C0001 по процедура BG161PO003.1.1.07 "Внедряване на иновации в предприятията" по Оперативна Програма "Развитие на конкурнтоспособността на българската икономика" 2007 - 2013 г.

Декларация на кандидата
Гаранция за добро изпълнение
Гаранция за участие
Изисквания към офертите
Методика за оценка на офертите
Договор за доставка
Публична покана
Техническа спецификация

R Consulting ltd took place at CeBIT 2014 in Hanover – March 2014

R Consulting ltd was among the participants at CeBIT Fair in Hanover 2014 - international exhibition where developers, producers and retailers in the information and communication industry show their latest products and services. The exhibition was held from 10th until 14th of March in Hanover, Germany, organized by Deutsche Messe. Our participation was funded by the Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency under European project for Bulgarian enterprises internationalization. CeBIT Fair was the perfect place for us to introduce our innovative solutions:

  • Telecom Billing and Operation Support System – RC bOSS
  • IPTV Platform
  • Mobile TV Platform

The large number of visitors and established contacts with potential customers give us a reason to believe in the new opportunities in the international market.

Eco Rally in the center of Europe Our team ranked 12th - NOV 2013

R Consulting ltd. has sponsored the Bulgarian crew of "Octane Rally team" Kalin Dedikov and Nikolay Kitanov, which participated in the World Rally Championship for vehicles powered by alternative fuels “San Marino – Vatican”.

The start of the Championship was in the Republic of San Marino and the first phase of 455 km was divided into three parts, as the main points in the route were historical towns such as San Leo, Arezzo and Assisi, and the finals of each part were at the central squares in each of them.

The final of the rally was the grand square "St. Peter" in the Vatican in front of more than 70 000 spectators, gathered for Pope’s Sunday sermon Anzhelus

Our team took 12th place in the general standings and 10th in their class from 41 successfully finished crews. Well done Kalin and Nikolay! We wish you lots of success and fuel in your veins!

The team of R Consulting with Bulgarian crew Kalin and Nikolai

Bulgarian crew Kalin Dedikov and Nikolai Kitanov

R Consulting ltd took place at CeBIT Bilişim Eurasia 2013 in Istanbul – 30.10.2013

R Consulting ltd was among the participants at Cebit Bilişim Eurasia 2013 - international exhibition where developers, producers and retailers in the information and communication industry show their latest products and services. The exhibition was held from 24th until 28th of October in Istanbul. Our participation was funded by the Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency under European project for Bulgarian enterprises internationalization. Cebit Bilişim Eurasia was the perfect place for us to introduce our innovative solutions:

  • Billing and Operation Support System – RC bOSS
  • IPTV Platform
  • IPTV Platform

The large number of visitors and established contacts with potential customers give us a reason to believe in the new opportunities in the big Eurasian market.

R Consulting has been approved as Motorola Value Added Reseller for STBs and CAS/DRM 18th June 2012

After series of negotiations R Consulting has been approved from Motorola Solutions to represent their solutions to its customers worldwide. On 18th of June, 2012 R Consulting became officially a Motorola partner for STBs and CAS/DRM

R Consulting wins 2nd place for financing of its project from the European Fund for Regional Development under the Operational Program "Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy" 2007-2013 - 12 APR 2012

R Consulting wins gratuitous financing from the European Fund for Regional Development, Open Procedure BG161PO003-2.1.13 „Technological Modernization in the Bulgarian Companies", Priority axis: Improving the effectiveness of the companies and development of good business environment

R Consulting starts working on development of NPVR, IPTV Monitoring and CAS

The new products are expected to be launched in Q2 2012

R Consutling signed Contract for Strategic Partnership with Media Networks Belgium - SEP 2010

R Consutling signed Partnership Contract with Media Networks Belgium. Both companies will join efforts to offer successfully their solutions to companies worldwide

Exhibition at IBC 2009, Amsterdam - 11-15 SEP 2009

R Consulting participated at IBC 2009, which took place between 11th - 15th of September in Amsterdam.

Our company demonstrated the turnkey IPTV solution, which includes:

  • IPTV middleware
  • IPTV Restreamers
  • Multi-play Billing & Operation Support System

BroadBand Internet Policer 1.1 released - June 2016

RConsulting with cooperation of T'Com-Life SPRL is announcing release of BroadBand Internet Policer. BroadBand Internet Policer provides flexible subscriber bandwidth control per:
  • Abusers per network segment
  • Daily/Monthly over quota users
  • Over quota per traffic type
  • Scheduled Events
 BroadBand Internet Policer Brochure

RC bOSS version 4.2.6 released - May 2016

  • Extended deep detail financial reporting

RC bOSS version 4.2.1 released - May 2015

  • Google Maps integration
  • Calendar support with automated scheduling
  • Integrated charts in reporting endgine

RC bOSS version 4.0.2 released - APR 2014

  • User interface in Spanish
  • User interface in German
  • User interface in Russian
  • User interface in Portuguese

RC IPTV Plaform - MAG250 middleware support - FEB 2014

RC bOSS version 4.0.1 released - OCT 2013

  • New user interface
  • User interface in French
  • Improved security features
  • gPON provisioning support
  • New DHCP features


  • A new multifunctional service is available for the RC IPTV Platform customers
  • The subscribers can watch interactive TV directly from their tablets and smartphones using iOS and Android Operating Systems
  • All functionalities and modules of the RC IPTV Platform, including TimeShifted TV, NPVR, VoD, Information services, etc. available for the TV set will be functional soon for the multiscreen devices as well

IPTV Middleware SIP phone implemented - OCT 2012

  • An entirely new interactive functionality for the RC IPTV Middleware Platform
  • This functionality gives the possibility for receving of incoming VoIP calls and making VoIP calls directly through subscriber`s TV screen
  • Easy navigation by using the remote control

RC IPTV Monitoring implemented - OCT 2012

  • A new functionality for the RC IPTV Platform
  • This functionality gives the possibility for monitoring and control over the IPTV System resources from the Operators
  • It makes possible finding and diagnostics of different kinds of problems connected with the normal flowing of the System processes
  • This function warns the Operators of possible breaking downs and overloading of the System.

RC bOSS 3.4 new features implemented - OCT 2012

Selling of Single items through the System

  • The system gives opportunity for selling prepaid cards - physical and virtual
  • The system gives opportunity for selling different kinds electronic components

RC bOSS 3.4 version released - MAY 2012

Billing new features implemented - SEP 2011

Client Oriented Approach Module

  • The new functions are totally oriented to the customer needs
  • Changes in the subscriber`s profile can be managed with utmost ease from the System users
  • Excellent user friendly environment

Integrated Multicast Support for IPTV - AUG 2011

R Consulting integrated and Multicast Support for the needs of the IPTV Platform

New modules implemented in the IPTV Platform - FEB 2011

R Consulting has developed and successfully integrated 2 more interactive modules into the IPTV Platform

  • Video-on Demand
  • Time Shifted TV

RC Billing 3.2 has been released - 01 SEP 2008

RC Billing 3.2 has been released. Version 3.2 new features:

  • IPTV Service, IPTV events provisioning / rating
  • Digital TV Service, Digital TV events provisioning / rating
  • WiFi Service
  • Multi Level Regional Structure
  • Implemented New Reporting Engine
  • Added multiple statistical and OLAP reports
  • Performance optimizations

01 MAR 2006

RC Billing 2.3 has been released. Version 2.3 new features:

  • Digital TV Service, Digital TV events provisioning / rating
  • WiFi Service
  • New Customer Self Care Interface
  • Contract Specific Monthly Fees
  • Multi Currency Support
  • Contract Termination Penalties
  • Advance period charging
  • Multiple VAT Support
  • Rating Plan Conditional Discounts
  • Contract Oriented and Service Oriented Credit Policies
  • Automatic Contract validity extension
  • Regional Structure Support
  • Document Management Subsystem
  • Operator Level User Group Management
  • User Digital Certificates
  • Extended Interface with External Systems
  • Performance optimizations

01 OCT 2004

RC Billing 2.1 has been released. Version 2.1 new featues:

  • Video on Demand Service
  • Additional discount models
  • Usage Aggregator service allowing move of all credit control related processes on a single machine, speeding up to 20 times the overall performance of the Authorization process.
  • Provisioning of cable modems with multimedia telephony adapters

APR 2004

RC Billing 1.4 has been released. Version 1.4 new features:

  • Online Context Sensitive Help
  • Support of web hosting and content hosting services
  • Stepped rating plans for all services
  • Usage of prepaid cards as vouchers
  • Cisco IVR support

MAR 2004

RC Billing 1.3 has been released. Version 1.3 new features:

  • Support of Dialup Service
  • Subscribers Notification Submission
  • Documents Mass Printing
  • Provisioning for Cisco ATA
  • Import of bank statements

JAN 2004

RC Billing 1.1 has been released. Version 1.1 new features:

  • support of VPN, PPPOE services
  • flexible credit policies
  • RADIUS support of hierarchical gatekeepers

Информация за сключен договор

Процедура за избор на изпълнител "Избор с публична покана"

Покана за подаване на оферти във връзка с провеждане на процедура за избор на изпълнител "Избор с публична покана" по договор BG161PO003.1.1.07-0446-C0001 по процедура BG161PO003.1.1.07 "Внедряване на иновации в предприятията" по Оперативна Програма "Развитие на конкурнтоспособността на българската икономика" 2007 - 2013 г.

Декларация на кандидата
Гаранция за добро изпълнение
Гаранция за участие
Изисквания към офертите
Методика за оценка на офертите
Договор за доставка
Публична покана
Техническа спецификация

R Consulting ltd took place at CeBIT 2014 in Hanover – March 2014

R Consulting ltd was among the participants at CeBIT Fair in Hanover 2014 - international exhibition where developers, producers and retailers in the information and communication industry show their latest products and services. The exhibition was held from 10th until 14th of March in Hanover, Germany, organized by Deutsche Messe. Our participation was funded by the Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency under European project for Bulgarian enterprises internationalization. CeBIT Fair was the perfect place for us to introduce our innovative solutions:

  • Telecom Billing and Operation Support System – RC bOSS
  • IPTV Platform
  • Mobile TV Platform

The large number of visitors and established contacts with potential customers give us a reason to believe in the new opportunities in the international market.

Eco Rally in the center of Europe Our team ranked 12th - NOV 2013

R Consulting ltd. has sponsored the Bulgarian crew of "Octane Rally team" Kalin Dedikov and Nikolay Kitanov, which participated in the World Rally Championship for vehicles powered by alternative fuels “San Marino – Vatican”.

The start of the Championship was in the Republic of San Marino and the first phase of 455 km was divided into three parts, as the main points in the route were historical towns such as San Leo, Arezzo and Assisi, and the finals of each part were at the central squares in each of them.

The final of the rally was the grand square "St. Peter" in the Vatican in front of more than 70 000 spectators, gathered for Pope’s Sunday sermon Anzhelus

Our team took 12th place in the general standings and 10th in their class from 41 successfully finished crews. Well done Kalin and Nikolay! We wish you lots of success and fuel in your veins!

The team of R Consulting with Bulgarian crew Kalin and Nikolai

Bulgarian crew Kalin Dedikov and Nikolai Kitanov

R Consulting ltd took place at CeBIT Bilişim Eurasia 2013 in Istanbul – 30.10.2013

R Consulting ltd was among the participants at Cebit Bilişim Eurasia 2013 - international exhibition where developers, producers and retailers in the information and communication industry show their latest products and services. The exhibition was held from 24th until 28th of October in Istanbul. Our participation was funded by the Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency under European project for Bulgarian enterprises internationalization. Cebit Bilişim Eurasia was the perfect place for us to introduce our innovative solutions:

  • Billing and Operation Support System – RC bOSS
  • IPTV Platform
  • IPTV Platform

The large number of visitors and established contacts with potential customers give us a reason to believe in the new opportunities in the big Eurasian market.

R Consulting has been approved as Motorola Value Added Reseller for STBs and CAS/DRM 18th June 2012

After series of negotiations R Consulting has been approved from Motorola Solutions to represent their solutions to its customers worldwide. On 18th of June, 2012 R Consulting became officially a Motorola partner for STBs and CAS/DRM

R Consulting wins 2nd place for financing of its project from the European Fund for Regional Development under the Operational Program "Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy" 2007-2013 - 12 APR 2012

R Consulting wins gratuitous financing from the European Fund for Regional Development, Open Procedure BG161PO003-2.1.13 „Technological Modernization in the Bulgarian Companies", Priority axis: Improving the effectiveness of the companies and development of good business environment

R Consulting starts working on development of NPVR, IPTV Monitoring and CAS

The new products are expected to be launched in Q2 2012

R Consutling signed Contract for Strategic Partnership with Media Networks Belgium - SEP 2010

R Consutling signed Partnership Contract with Media Networks Belgium. Both companies will join efforts to offer successfully their solutions to companies worldwide

Exhibition at IBC 2009, Amsterdam - 11-15 SEP 2009

R Consulting participated at IBC 2009, which took place between 11th - 15th of September in Amsterdam.

Our company demonstrated the turnkey IPTV solution, which includes:

  • IPTV middleware
  • IPTV Restreamers
  • Multi-play Billing & Operation Support System

RC bOSS version 4.0.2 released - APR 2014

  • User interface in Spanish
  • User interface in German
  • User interface in Russian
  • User interface in Portuguese

RC IPTV Plaform - MAG250 middleware support - FEB 2014

RC bOSS version 4.0.1 released - OCT 2013

  • New user interface
  • User interface in French
  • Improved security features
  • gPON provisioning support
  • New DHCP features


  • A new multifunctional service is available for the RC IPTV Platform customers
  • The subscribers can watch interactive TV directly from their tablets and smartphones using iOS and Android Operating Systems
  • All functionalities and modules of the RC IPTV Platform, including TimeShifted TV, NPVR, VoD, Information services, etc. available for the TV set will be functional soon for the multiscreen devices as well

IPTV Middleware SIP phone implemented - OCT 2012

  • An entirely new interactive functionality for the RC IPTV Middleware Platform
  • This functionality gives the possibility for receving of incoming VoIP calls and making VoIP calls directly through subscriber`s TV screen
  • Easy navigation by using the remote control

RC IPTV Monitoring implemented - OCT 2012

  • A new functionality for the RC IPTV Platform
  • This functionality gives the possibility for monitoring and control over the IPTV System resources from the Operators
  • It makes possible finding and diagnostics of different kinds of problems connected with the normal flowing of the System processes
  • This function warns the Operators of possible breaking downs and overloading of the System.

RC bOSS 3.4 new features implemented - OCT 2012

Selling of Single items through the System

  • The system gives opportunity for selling prepaid cards - physical and virtual
  • The system gives opportunity for selling different kinds electronic components

RC bOSS 3.4 version released - MAY 2012

Billing new features implemented - SEP 2011

Client Oriented Approach Module

  • The new functions are totally oriented to the customer needs
  • Changes in the subscriber`s profile can be managed with utmost ease from the System users
  • Excellent user friendly environment

Integrated Multicast Support for IPTV - AUG 2011

R Consulting integrated and Multicast Support for the needs of the IPTV Platform

New modules implemented in the IPTV Platform - FEB 2011

R Consulting has developed and successfully integrated 2 more interactive modules into the IPTV Platform

  • Video-on Demand
  • Time Shifted TV

RC Billing 3.2 has been released - 01 SEP 2008

RC Billing 3.2 has been released. Version 3.2 new features:

  • IPTV Service, IPTV events provisioning / rating
  • Digital TV Service, Digital TV events provisioning / rating
  • WiFi Service
  • Multi Level Regional Structure
  • Implemented New Reporting Engine
  • Added multiple statistical and OLAP reports
  • Performance optimizations

01 MAR 2006

RC Billing 2.3 has been released. Version 2.3 new features:

  • Digital TV Service, Digital TV events provisioning / rating
  • WiFi Service
  • New Customer Self Care Interface
  • Contract Specific Monthly Fees
  • Multi Currency Support
  • Contract Termination Penalties
  • Advance period charging
  • Multiple VAT Support
  • Rating Plan Conditional Discounts
  • Contract Oriented and Service Oriented Credit Policies
  • Automatic Contract validity extension
  • Regional Structure Support
  • Document Management Subsystem
  • Operator Level User Group Management
  • User Digital Certificates
  • Extended Interface with External Systems
  • Performance optimizations

01 OCT 2004

RC Billing 2.1 has been released. Version 2.1 new featues:

  • Video on Demand Service
  • Additional discount models
  • Usage Aggregator service allowing move of all credit control related processes on a single machine, speeding up to 20 times the overall performance of the Authorization process.
  • Provisioning of cable modems with multimedia telephony adapters

APR 2004

RC Billing 1.4 has been released. Version 1.4 new features:

  • Online Context Sensitive Help
  • Support of web hosting and content hosting services
  • Stepped rating plans for all services
  • Usage of prepaid cards as vouchers
  • Cisco IVR support

MAR 2004

RC Billing 1.3 has been released. Version 1.3 new features:

  • Support of Dialup Service
  • Subscribers Notification Submission
  • Documents Mass Printing
  • Provisioning for Cisco ATA
  • Import of bank statements

JAN 2004

RC Billing 1.1 has been released. Version 1.1 new features:

  • support of VPN, PPPOE services
  • flexible credit policies
  • RADIUS support of hierarchical gatekeepers